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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Improve Your Juicing Skills By Trying These Ideas

Juicing is a great alternative way to help you achieve the daily amount of fruits and vegetables your body needs. You take your choice of vegetables and fruits and transform them into a drink full of nutritious ingredients. In the following paragraphs, you'll find some suggestions that will help you get the most out of juicing.

If you are juicing greens that are dark and leafy, add a cucumber. Most leafy greens have a strong, sometimes unpleasant flavor. Cucumber will mask the unpleasant taste and add refre
shing flavor of its own. It also has a ton of nutrients in it, especially if you include the skin.

If you want to maximize the nutrition of your juicing while minimizing your caloric intake that results from it, incorporate the most negative calorie ingredients you can. These items include dark greens like kale or broccoli, cabbage, and herbs. You also want to consider getting fruits high in fiber, so that you can break down and digest food properly.

Leafy greens, such as kale or spinach, are among the healthiest ingredients for juicing. The ratio you're going for is something around 50-70% when it comes to greens for your juices, you want to then add some fruit or tastier vegetables for some flavor. Fruit juices contain a lot of sugar which is best to limit on a healthy juicing program.

Cucumber juice has been shown to be beneficial for both your hair and your skin. There is a significant amount of silica found in cucumbers. Silica helps your connective tissue by strengthening it, and is helpful for your tendons, muscles, ligaments, and bones.

Understand the differences between fruits and how they will affect the juice you make. Certain fruits, like oranges or tangerines, often require a different machine when juicing. Then, there are melons like cantaloupe and honeydew, neither of which taste very good blended with other fruits.

After juicing, it is always a good idea to rinse the juicer as soon as possible. You can actually stain your juice jugs, as well as the blades with vegetable and fruit juice.

To ensure the freshest possible juice, you need to use the freshest possible produce. Fresh fruits and veggies make the best juice. Fruits and vegetables that are beyond ripe should not be used; the texture and flavor may be compromised. In addition, make certain to remove any bad spots on the produce before you begin to juice. This will make the highest quality juice possible.

Do not mix fruit juices with vegetable juices. Although both types of juice are healthy for you, your body doesn't digest them the same way. It uses different enzymes to break down fruit juices than it does vegetable juice. By combining vegetables and fruits, your body must perform double duty when breaking down the nutrients. Also, they won't be absorbed as efficiently. The apple is the only exception. Apples are neutral in character and don't have this issue with enzymes, so feel free to use them to sweeten vegetable juices.

When introducing new vegetables to your juicing routine, try to add only one new vegetable at a time. Do this in case your stomach doesn't like the juice, and then you will know which vegetable it is that irritated your stomach.

Juicing should be used as a basis for making healthy diet choices. If you plan on using juicing as the foundation of your diet, then you should plan your menu around the juices you plan on drinking.

Watch signals from the body when you drink juices. Some fruit juices will not work with your system. If a particular juice causes queasy feelings or churning in you stomach, take a look at the ingredients and try to pinpoint new or rarely eaten items. Once you have figured out the ingredient, you can simply use a smaller amount so your body gets used to it.

As was mentioned earlier, juicing is a great way to improve your health and well-being by increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits in your daily dietary plan. You can blend different fruits, different vegetables, or a combination of both to create fresh, nutritious and tasty beverages in the comfort of your own home. Hopefully, the suggestions you've just read have provided you with some ideas for tasty drinks of your own.

Learn more about health by [] juicing. Stop by Sean Stevens's site where you can find out all about juicing [] and what it can do for you.

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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Recipes For Juicing, What To Look For In Healthy Juicing Recipes

What should you look for in a healthy juicing recipe? We will look at a simple, but great fruit juice recipe and break it down for you to show you how the parts come together for a nutritious, healthy, healing juice.

Juicing is so good for you that it is difficult to say enough about it. Juicing can help you clear up those nagging health problems such as skin conditions, aches and pains that many associate with getting older, and a variety of other conditions. People ignore their health for years and toxins build up and sooner or later show up as nagging symptoms. These symptoms can be cleared by clearing your body of the toxins.

The Makeup of A Healthy Juicing Recipe

Today's fruit juice not only helps clear out toxins but also boosts your immune system. It contains Peach juice blended with nectarine and lemon juice for an almost magical result.

When you look for recipes for juicing you notice how the component juices blend together. Often they create something that is much greater than any of the parts and that is the case with this juice.

One Of The Best, Peach Juice

Peach juice helps balance your nervous system and strengthen your immune system. Peach juice can help rid you of nervous problems, infections, and fight disease. When drunk daily peach juice helps regulate weight, blood pressure, and because it is so rich in potassium it helps strengthen your heart. This is not the sugar laden juice packed in canned peaches but the pure nectar of the juice loaded with all the nutrients that nature placed there.

Nectarines look like a peach but without the fuzz. These are high in antioxidants and help protect against cancer and other diseases, they also help control cholesterol.

Lemons are powerhouses. They have antiviral, antibacterial, and will boost your immune system. They cleanse your liver, aid in digestion, and help with weight loss. Shall we throw in one more benefit, OK, you've got it. They also help reduce wrinkles. That's quite a package. Lemons contain bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene and these along with the vitamin C are big immune boosters.

When You Are Juicing For Health, Try This One

2 peaches with seeds removed

1 nectarine pitted

1 lemon peeled

Just drop them into your juicer and let it rip

When building your juicing recipes you need to be certain that you make it tasty, with peach and nectarine juice this one easily fits that criteria. Then you want to be sure that it is a healthy juice recipe. You can see from the analysis that this recipe easily fits that requirement. As you develop your own recipes for juicing you will begin to see the best things to make it both taste great and be healthy.

I'd like to invite you to our website which was created to show you the value of juicing and to provide you with everything you need to get started. Vist our website and find out more:

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Friday, January 27, 2017

Juice - Treatment In Different Diseases

The usefulness of juice-treatment for some common diseases are numerous e.g. cleansing the body, expelling toxic & other harmful elements from the body, prevent degeneration of the body and procure ingredients necessary for the reformation and regeneration of body cells. That is why either independently or in conjunction with other modes of treatment juices gives sure benefits in almost all diseases.

There are several definite reasons for the cause of diseases over and above improper food-habits. A disease can't completely be cured unless such reasons are warded off or prevented e.g. if one is under the treatment for cold but continues taking cold eatables, or does not protect oneself from violent cold winds and rain, it's not possible to get cured.

Juice-treatment does not claim to be the only remedy for every disease. It's a fact which can be well understood that in the cases of some diseases & especially when it's a serious one, one has to take the help of other therapies. If a certain therapy has been proven useful and effective in a particular disease, there's no reason why one should be deprived of therapeutical benefits e.g. hip-bath gives benefit in most abdominal diseases. You must not hesitate to accept this sort of treatment. Each therapy has a purpose which is the same to all physicians - to cure the disease completely and as soon as possible.

It is necessary to comprehend the disease thoroughly before treatment commencement. Juice-treatment should be planned and finally implemented with regularity, perseverance and zeal.

Acidity: Take a mixture of juices of cabbage and carrot. In addition to it, one can take juices of cucumber, potato, apple, mosambi and watermelon. Milk also should be taken. Avoid chillies, fried food and sweets.

Acne: Take a mixture of carrot and spinach-juices. Take a mixture of juices of potato, beet-root, cucumber and grapes. Watermelon and papaya-juice may also be taken. Massage papaya or potato-juice on the face. Vapour-bath is advantageous. Do not allow greasiness to remain on the face. Avoid using cosmetics.

Anaemia: Mixed juices of leafy vegetables, juice of alfalfa and juices of beet-root, cabbage, bitter-gourd, apricot and grapes are useful in this disease.

Aphthae: First of all abdominal disorders, if any, should be cured. Constipation should be relieved. Juices of pot-herb (spinach) and cabbage should be taken.

Asthma: Take mixed juices of carrot, beet-root and cabbage. Take a mixture of juices of leafy vegetables or a mixture of juices of potato and apple. Besides, garlic and papaya juices can also be taken.

Bronchitis: Take warm water with ginger, honey and lemon-juice in the morning or take warm water with garlic and onion juices. Besides, take juices of radish, cabbage, beet-root, cucumber and carrot. Avoid smoking.

Cancer: Opinions are divided as to which juice gives the maximum benefits in cancer. Normally these juices are beneficial juices of carrot, grape, beet-root, apple, ginger, papaya, tomato and wheatgrass. One should try to maintain the health of the liver. Magnet therapy might prove useful.

Cardiac troubles: Take honey, coconut water and juices of papaya, pomegranate, pineapple and garlic.

Cholera: Juice of beelee fruit mixed with juices of mint, garlic and onion should be taken with warm water. Coconut water is very much useful in cholera.

Cold: Lemonated warm water should be taken. Juices of ginger, orange, carrot, radish, garlic, etc can also be taken. Water vapour is also useful.

Colitis: Take a mixture of carrot and spinach-juices. Juices of cucumber, apple, beet-root, papaya, beelee and oranges are also beneficial.

Constipation: Raw whole fruits and vegetables are as beneficial as their juices. Proper exercises should be done. One should form regular habits of evacuating bowels. One should take a mixture of juices of spinach and carrot or a mixture of juices of potato, cucumber and apple. One can also take juices of fig, beelee (eagle marmaloss), guava and orange.

Contagious diseases: Take on an empty stomach a glassful of lukewarm water mixed with lemon-juice and a teaspoon of honey. Take a of glassful water mixed with a teaspoon of garlic and onion-juices. A mixture of carrot and mosambi-orange juices can also be taken.

Cough: Take warm water mixed with honey and lemon juice in the morning. Also take a glassful of carrot-juice added with a tablespoon each of garlic, onion and basil-juices. Avoid smoking.

Diabetes: Juices of rose-apple, tomato, cucumber, lemon, bitter-gourd, carrot, spinach, cabbage and French beans should be taken.

Diarrhoea: Take juices of beelee fruit, apple, garlic and green turmeric. Juices of beet-root and pineapple are also recommended. Take complete rest.

Diptheria: Requires immediate medical treatment. Take pineapple-juice and turn it over and over in the mouth before swallowing it. Take warm water mixed with garlic and onion-juices.

Dysentery: Regimen of thick buttermilk is one of the best antidotes. Pomegranate-juice is also effective. Rose-apple juice gives benefits also.

Felix Waweru

For more on the wonders of African Foods visit

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Next Superfoods to Eat

New superfoods are always popping up and getting plenty of media attention. As of late, the Pomegranate was in focus, then came along Goji berries and now acclaimed Acai berry. What is a superfood? By definition, a superfood is a term to describe any food that has "remarkable" health properties. Make way for the new wave of superfoods which will soon be found in our beverages, yogurts, ice creams, etc. Here are the newest superfoods making an appearance in a grocery store near you!

Muscadine grapes

While they look like typical purple grapes, Muscadine grapes are a little larger and thicker and pack more nutrition than your standard grape. One particular benefit comes from the powerful antioxidant, Resveratrol (also found in red wine). Resveratrol has been linked to lowering blood-sugar levels, contains strong anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties (lowering cholesterol and preventing heart disease). Currently, these berries are hard to come by so I take the Resveratrol supplement on a daily basis.

Maqui Berry

I am a huge Food Network fan and I had heard Rachel Ray briefly mention this berry on her cooking show. This sparked me to look into this berry further. Maqui berry is the highest ranked food on the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity scale (ORAC). This test measures the antioxidant potency of foods. Just to put things into perspective: Blueberry juice has an ORAC score of 3,000 and Macqui juice has an ORAC score of 40,000! Due to the high antioxidants in this berry, it is believed to rid the body in toxins and possibly help with weight control. Macqui berry has been used in traditional medicine to help symptoms of sore throat, diarrhea and treat ulcers.


Acerola is also known as Amazon or Barbados cherries. I've seen Acerola really making headway in grocery stores already. This fruit contains 40 times more vitamin C than an orange and in a test comparing it's antioxidants to 11 other fruits, the acerola came out on top. In July 2008, Absolut Vodka came out with a limited-edition vodka containing acerola mixed with blueberries, acai and pomegranate. You'll likely encounter this berry in desserts and preserves.

Baobob Fruit

Grown in Australia, Africa or Madagascar, this superfood seems to have it all: Iron, Vitamin C, Calcium, (2x the amount found in milk), protein in it's seeds, phosphorus for bones, fiber and a slew of electrolytes. This fruit was just recently approved for export and has recently been used in drinks, yogurt, as well as a thickener for soups.

For more information, please visit: [].

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Incredible Life Changing Health Benefits of Juicing

The benefits of juicing carrots are mostly associated with reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Carrot juice is extremely beneficial for people suffering from cardiac diseases. The anti-inflammatory properties of carrots help in combating ulcers and bone diseases (gout and arthritis). Carrot is one of the best sources of vitamin A, that improves eyesight and health of skin. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that prevents the occurrence of pimples, acne and blemishes on skin.

The benefits of juicing are many. A glass of fresh fruit and vegetable juice is nutrient rich that fulfills the nutrient demand of your body.

Green juices help to eliminate wastes and toxins and irrigate the body, build the blood and carry oxygen and nutrients directly to the tissues.

The consumption of vegetable and fruit juices help to promote a healthy life style and promote a balanced nutritional intake.
Reap the benefits of juicing vegetables by sharing with your kids. We all know that good nutrition for kids is important. Keep your children healthy by giving them wholesome raw fruit and vegetable juices everyday. Kids will enjoy the taste even more if you combine vegetable juice with some fruit juices and blend with ice makes a wonderful tasting smoothing which is both fun and very healthy for the children and adults as well.

What are Benefits of Juicing vegetables and Fruits at home?

You will soon experience the Joy of Juicing when you see an almost immediate increase in your energy, stamina, and improvement to your health in general. Believe it or not, Juicing every day can also help you to Lose Weight.

I hope the benefits of juicing are now clear to you. Make sure you drink it fresh and raw. You can add a concoction of spices to improve the taste of vegetable juices. A glass of fruit juice or vegetable juice when consumed regularly will make your body more resistant to infections. Juice fasting also gives rest to your digestive system, wherein your metabolic rate is normalized and the efficiency of the digestive enzymes increases.

Some of the benefits of juicing are that it clears the mind, balances, hormones and our metabolism, helps to balance our thyroid, our endocrine system, our pancreas and our reproductive organs. Blood chemistry can change when you do juice fasts, and juicing also thins the blood. Juices do all these things for us. Thinning the blood is important as it allows the circulation to clear areas that were clogged and to go into vital areas of our body.

The health benefits of juicing are endless. Juicing fresh fruit and vegetables provides essential nutrients for growth and renewal. These nutrients can protect you against disease and help to restore the effects of aging.

One of the benefits of juicing is that you are in control of the ingredients in your juice. Fresh, organic juice is easy to digest and is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream bringing a healthy rush of nutrients to your body. Fresh juices also taste great and are rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids.

Juices have been likened to a blood transfusion. The juice goes right into our body and requires little digestion. Juices also flush and cleanse the organs of our body as well as provide excellent nutritive value.

Another of the benefits of juicing is that it allows us to eat more of the vegetable or fruit than we could if we were eating it raw. It is advised that you eat one pound of raw vegetables per fifty pounds of body weight. Juicing is a great and easy way for us to do this.

A rarely known benefit of juicing is that it lessens the symptoms of depression. Deficiency of certain minerals and trace minerals (magnesium, potassium, iron) as well as folic acid are thought to increase the chance of developing depression. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are high in these nutrients so consuming them regularly helps fight against depression.

A further health benefits of juicing is improved vitality. This is a side-effect of bettered digestion and absorption by the body, which can effectively digest fruit and vegetables now that they are in juice form. The outcome is a simpler workload for the digestive system and a boost of vitality that is felt almost instantly. In fact, the nutrition found in fresh juices is the most easily digested of all food sources, and delivers a very high bio-availability.

Also.... to reap the benefits of juicing you need to drink your juice, right after you juice it. This is because when you juice your foods, it's NOT like store bought juices, they are fresh and LIVE with powerful nutrients. Once air hits these nutrients, they begin to lose their value quickly. Your fresh juice also spoils quickly too. So, only juice when you are prepared to drink all of it within a few minutes.

One of the best known benefits of juicing is that incorporating natural fruit and vegetable juices a few times in one's daily diet in place of processed foods helps when trying to lose weight. Fruit juices are healthy, low calorie substitutes for sweets. For more dietary benefits and more effective weight loss try to drink natural vegetable juices on their own, or if you find the taste a bit harsh try a combo of fruit and vegetable juices. Adding fruits will dampen the slightly unpleasant taste of raw vegetables and give them a sweeter taste depending on the fruit that you use.

I look forward to the benefits of juicing each day. I cannot imagine any other kind of drink that equals organic juice and the benefits it gives. I hope that you will try it, receive its wonderful benefits and enjoy it as much as I have.

Drinking juice made of kale, spinach, parsley, carrots, celery, and garlic is beneficial. These particular vegetables are high in vitamins B6, C, E and excellent sources of chromium, copper, and magnesium. These nutrients enhance digestion, boost metabolism and nurture healthy cells. They also help with detoxification that is essential when your body is in the process of shedding fat cells.

Kale juice is rich in all the essential vitamins required for our body. It's a source of iron, vitamin C, calcium and vitamin A. The benefits of juicing kale involves the prevention of anemia. The iron is easily absorbed by your body and thus, it alleviates the iron content of the blood, enhancing the manufacture of hemoglobin. Regular consumption of kale juice is essential for the health of teeth, gums and bones. Kale juice, being rich in vitamin A is prescribed as a prenatal nutritional requirement. Know more about the benefits of homemade organic juice.

The juice extracted from beetroot is one of the most nutrient laden juices that helps in improving the stamina of the body. The benefits of juicing beets pertain to curing digestive problems, improving blood circulation and lowering high blood pressure. Beetroot juice benefits are so experienced since it is rich in amino acids, minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, sodium etc.), vitamins and antioxidant. You can also combine it with spinach and radish juice.

The health benefits of juicing green cabbage focuses on relieving the pain of stomach ulcers. Cabbage juice is a great homeopathic treatment for this painful condition.

I am not saying that juicing is a guaranteed cure for any of the above ailments, in fact, juice recipes should be used only as a supplement to a doctor's medical treatment plan. Nevertheless, I believe the benefits of juicing will provide a nutritional supplement to your diet that will lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

But just reading about it will not improve your health and vitality. It is the type of thing that people become very excited about, go out and purchase the best juicer that money can buy only to have it sit in the cupboard collecting dust. Most people start off with the best of intentions but what is it exactly that prematurely destroys that momentum.

Well one is when you put the juicier up in the cabinet then it is easy to forget about. To fully enjoy the benefits of juicing, I strongly encourage you to leave the juicer out on your counter top and use it daily. This juice will be one of your greatest allies in healing. This will help you to establish a good habit which once you are used to doing it then it will become a normal part of your daily routine.

Try this and I will make one guarantee, it will change you and your families lives for the better in your time spent here on earth.

Tony Goff: I am looking for a few people to partner with who want to make a lot of money online and improve their lives in the process.

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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Our Four Favorite Raw Fruit Juice Recipes

My feeling about juicing is that you should have as many colors of the rainbow represented in your juice. It makes for a more balanced body, raises your vibration and also helps all your chakras spin clockwise (meaning that they are healthy.) With that said, here are our favorite five-star juice combinations so far.

Note: The volumes make about 4 cups of raw juice. You then divide that into two quart Mason jars and add 2 cups of ice cubes to each jar. Dump the whole mixture into your blender and buzz it on High to make 4 cups of diluted juice. This makes enough juice for 2 people for the morning juicing. Ginger is great for increasing circulation and it gives your juices a "zip."

Juice #1: Cantaloupe juice with a ½ cup splash of Knudson's Lemon-Ginger-Echinacea juice (we were trying to use up what was in the fridge one day about 10 days into our juice fast.) One whole 8-10 inch cantaloupe makes about 4 cups of juice.

Juice #2: Apple (4 cups), Pineapple (1/2), Mango (1), Plum (2), Banana (2)

Juice #3: Peach (2), Plum (3), Ginger (2 inch chunk), Pineapple (1/2), Kiwi (1), Orange (2)

Juice #4:Apple (3), Peach (1), Banana (2), Blueberries (1 cup), Mango (1), Plum (2) and Lemon (1)

The fruit juices are definitely more enjoyable than the vegetable juices. We really tried a variety of fruits and vegetables during our 40-day juice fast.

General Juicing Rules:

Drink freshly prepared juice and do not store the juice for over 24 hours. If you can't drink it immediately, put it into a glass jar (filled to the top) and put a lid on it to prevent oxidation. Juice rapidly loses therapeutic and nutritional value during storage.

Raw fruits and vegetables are not always compatible when eaten together. Apples are the exception. You can also mix pears with Jicama.

Melons should be juiced by themselves. Making the entire meal melon is an option.

Avoid using pre-bottled or sweetened juices (like we did in the first recipe.) All the live enzymes are inactivated when they are pasteurized.

Minimize acid juices. Juices don't stimulate acids to be released from the stomach, but orange and tomato juice are high in acids and you may want to mix these juices with other less acidic ones.

About cucumbers. I've read that cucumbers may not be good to mix with other vegetables as they are in the melon family, but it seems to work fine for us. We do limit cucumber to less than 25% of the total volume however.

Don't add more than 25% green juice to your vegetable juices (unless you have a barf bucket handy! Woof.)

Juicing Greens--you might want to do this in between harder vegetables, the juice sludges at the bottom and doesn't pour out easily if you juice them first. For example, I juice a couple of carrots, then a bunch of parsley, then cram a couple more carrots in after the parsley to get the juicer moving again.

Dilute all fruit juice with water (one part juice to 2-4 parts water) and drink throughout the day. We've found that 2 cups fruit juice blended with ½ tray of ice cubes comes up to 4 cups--the perfect dilution and it's frothy cold.

Vegetable juices need not be diluted.

What to Juice:

During the fast, select juicing materials and teas specific to your health conditions. Most of the people I see in my practice do well on the Eat Right for Your Type diet ( Because of this, I recommend juicing those fruits on the Highly Beneficial and Neutral Foods Lists. Our fast was extensive, but you don't need to fast that long. A 3-day juice fast will give you lots of benefits and make your body healthier and more alkaline which is what you really need to stay healthy.

See our Juice Fast Blog to read about that experience at:

Dr. Denice Moffat is a practicing naturopath, medical intuitive, and veterinarian working on the family unit (which includes humans and animals) through her phone consultation practice established in 1995. She has a content-rich website at and free internationally distributed monthly newsletter. For more information and a list of vegetables and fruits with the maladies they are good for, go to:

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Nutrition - Eleven Superfoods You Ought To Know About

There's a lot more to foods than just the nutrition they contain. Some can act as medicines, helping to tame inflammation in the body, or protect cells from DNA damage. Others can act as aphrodisiacs (see number 2 below). Still others can protect your memory.

Superfoods are "super" precisely because they offer more benefits than what you can find on the "nutrition facts" label. Every one on this list qualifies!


These amazing berries are on anyone's list of superfoods. Recent research shows that they're brain food-- feeding blueberries to rats actually slows their age-related mental decline. Blueberries contain pterostilbene, a plant compound recently shown to have cholesterol-lowering properties. Their ORAC value (antioxidant rating) is the highest of any fruit. And blueberries are rich in fiber. Tip: try them frozen. They taste like sherbet!


Based on a long history of traditional use in Peru, maca has recently become known as a "natural Viagra", and is popular as an aphrodisiac, and for increasing fertility and stamina. (I talked about it in my book 'The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth" as part of a natural treatment for restoring sexual potency.) But maca's also a superfood from a nutrition point of view. It's an important staple for the Andean Indians, has been around since 3800 BC and is rich in sugars, protein, starches and essential minerals, especially iron and iodine. You can buy it as a supplement, or, even better, as a powder which you can add to shakes.


Cherries are absolutely loaded with anti-inflammatory, antiaging, anticancer compounds that don't show up on your average nutrition facts label. These include quercetin, a member of the flavonoid family which has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Cherries also contain anthocyanains which act like natural COX-2 inhibitors, reducing pain and inflammation. That's one reason why they're so great for gout. My favorite "healthy" desert- frozen cherries mixed with full fat yogurt. Tastes like Cherry Garcia only way better for you.


Among the superfoods of the world, guava is a sleeper. With a taste that's been described as "part strawberry part pear", one low-calorie cup of this vitamin rich fruit contains a whopping 8 grams of fiber. And in one widely used nutrition lab test for antioxidant power, guava scored second only to blueberries, and right behind kale. Guava also contains cancer fighting lycopene.


Kale is a member of the brassica family, vegetable royalty that boasts cabbage and broccoli among it's relatives. It's simply loaded with nutrition. It's rich in potent cancer fighting substances called indoles, and loaded with bone-building vitamin K. Kale also contains sulforaphane, a powerful nutrient that helps the liver detoxify carcinogens and other toxins. Kale has the highest antioxidant rating of any vegetable and is ridiculously low in calories. Try it tossed with olive oil, a few dried cranberries and some pine nuts.


These are the best kept nutrition secret in the world when it comes to health foods and the secret weapon of travelers looking for a cheap, portable, easily available source of protein. Sardines are rich in omega-3 fats, and one of the least contaminated of any seafood since it's so low on the food chain. Eat them out of the can or throw them on some salad.

7.Coconut oil

This superb oil has been long neglected as a healthy oil because it contains saturated fat. But not to worry: the saturated fat in coconut is a very healthy kind called MCT (medium chain triglyecerides) which is easily burned by the body for energy. Coconut oil also contains lauric acid, a natural anti-viral and anti-microbal. And today's excellent virgin coconut oil- unlike the inferior products of a few decades ago- doesn't contain trans fats. Note to skeptics: The Puka Puka islanders consumed 80 % of their diet from coconut products and had virtually no heart disease.

8.Green tea

Here's a superstar beverage if there ever was one. Green tea helps with weight loss and helps fight against cancer. It contains EGCG, a catechin (plant compound) which stimulates metabolism and has anti-cancer properties to boot. Green tea also contains theanine, a natural relaxant which helps explain why the caffeine in green tea doesn't make you nearly as jittery as coffee.


Flaxseed oil is one of the only plant sources of omega-3 fats, but the flaxseeds themselves provide the added nutrition benefit of fiber along with the omega-3's. Flaxseeds can be thrown on salads, tossed into smoothies, or sprinkled on vegetables. They also contain lignans, a group of plant nutrtients that have been studied by the National Cancer Institute for their cancer preventive properties.


The protein source against which all others are judged. And for goodness sake, stop with the egg white omlettes. The yolk is loaded with good stuff! Half of the measly 4.5 grams of fat are actually monounsaturated fat, the same heart-healthy fat that's in olive oil. The yolks are also one of the best sources of lutein, the superstar of eye nutrition. Plus they contain choline, which helps support brain function and help keep harmful homocysteine levels down. Look for the new designer eggs with increased omega-3 content.

11.Pomegranate juice

If you're wondering if all the hype about pomegranate juice is for real, stop wondering: it is. Animal studies suggest that pomegranate juice combats artherogenesis (hardening of the arteries) as well as other cardiovascular diseases such as strokes and heart attacks. It's rich in antioxidants and has a higher amount of polyphenols- heart healthy plant compounds-- than even red wine. Look for the pure pomegranate juice (not the watered down cocktail). You can always dilute it with water or mix it with other juices.

In the long run, the rules for healthy eating are a lot simpler than you might think: Eat food that your ancestors could have hunted, fished for, gathered or plucked.

If it's food your grandmother would have recognized as food, it's probably good for you.

And if it doesn't have a bar code, so much the better.

Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS is a board certified nutritionist and a nationally known expert on nutrition, weight management and living well. He has appeared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC-TV, NBC-TV and CBS-TV and contributed material to over 50 national magazines. He is the author of five books including the best-selling "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth." His latest book, acclaimed by a who's who in integrative medicine, is The Most Effective Cures on Earth. Visit him at

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Green Superfoods - 5 Reasons to Eat Wheatgrass, Barley Grass, Spirulina, Etc

If you're a health-minded person, you've probably heard the term 'superfood'. Its a buzzword for foods that hold extraordinary nutrient content, and oftentimes are packed with antioxidants. Green superfoods such as organic wheat grass, spirulina and chlorella have been around for a while... and they've got a lot of scientific backing for their 'superfood' status. The energizing, immune-boosting, and anti-cancer properties of these superfoods have made them very popular worldwide, especially over the last century.

Here are just 5 Reasons (of the many) to integrate Green Superfoods into your daily diet:

1. Quick, convenient way to get daily fruits/veggies servings. According to health agencies, over 9 out of 10 Americans don't eat enough fruits and vegetables daily. Even when they do, the servings aren't usually the dark, rich, raw vegetables...they're the starchy french fried potatoes, canned fruits soaked in syrup and preservatives, or an iceberg lettuce salad. It's funny: the USDA makes little or no difference for a serving of french fries versus a serving of raw spinach, when meeting daily recommended requirements.

2. A daily 'super'-investment in your long term health. Many times, people look for the quick fix for their energy, weight management, etc. Green superfoods are not that at all. They supply your whole body with whole nutrients, that help promote long term balance, energy, a cleansed internal environment, and healthy digestion, among other things.

3. Green Superfoods are packed with Antioxidants, the nutrients/substances that help cleanse the body of free radicals, which are known to cause oxidative stress at the cellular level. Free radicals are released when you eat highly processed foods and most battered deep fried foods, when you get stressed and even when you exercise. Antioxidants are vital in order to help eliminate these dangerous compounds.

4. The 'Grass Juice Factor'. I bet you've never heard of that! When researches Charles Schnabel and George Kohler, along with others, started seeing amazing results in animals and humans when supplementing their diets with wheat grass and barley grass, they noticed that, without mistake, the grasses produced superior results when compared to other dark green vegetables. These grasses have thousands of beneficial compounds and enzymes, many of which have yet to be identified.

5. Support healthy blood. Chlorophyll, the pigment that makes green foods green, is almost identical in molecular structure to human blood. This has led many to research dark, green vegetables' ability to be a 'blood builder' and cleanser. Also, the chlorophyll helps efficiently carry the other nutrients to your body's cells, for maximum absorption.

Shopping Tips: When choosing a Green Superfood powder to consume daily, I definitely recommend that it has the following characteristics:

-A variety of chlorophyll-rich green superfoods, including grasses, algae, land greens

-Rich, emerald green color - signifies nutrient density

-Super-concentrated grasses and grass juices - Look for triple concentrated. This gives you more nutritional bang per buck

-At least 6,000mg of Greens per serving, preferably 7,000mg. The majoriy of each serving should be Greens.

-No low cost fillers (like soy lecithin), and no artificial flavorings, colors, or additives,

-It must mix well with water or juice, and you must enjoy the taste. If you have to force it down, it's not worth it.

-Money Back Guarantee. A reputable brand will back up their product.

Consuming a green superfood powder supplement daily is the perfect, convenient way to eat more fruits/veggies, and to boost your energy, immunity, and long term vitality.

Aaron Hughes is a whole foods nutrition researcher, and is the founder/president of Harvest Nutrition LLC. Find the best Green Superfoods and other nutritional resources from Harvest Nutrition.

After battling debilitating fatigue and illness a few years ago, he started to eat a more traditional diet, rich in nutrients that are lacking in modern processed foods. Through simple lifestyle and dietary changes he regained his health, and now is on a mission to inspire lasting change in people's lives through better nutrition.

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Powerful Natural Healing Supplements and Superfoods From the Earth

Let's face it, shady marketers are everywhere trying to prey on your insecurities and rape your wallet. They know that humans love pleasure and hate pain, and also that us Americans will pay top dollar for a quick fix!

I mean the second someone says quick, easy, no effort required, just minutes per day, we unleash our credit cards like they were burning a hole in the seat of our pants.

Regardless of how silly the marketing claims may be, people always seem to believe in the next best thing, buy into the hype, and throw money down the drain.

Did you really think you were going to lose 30 pounds in 30 days or melt your love handles I just 3 minutes per day?

You have a better chance of watching Santa Claus fight the Easter Bunny in a celebrity death on your front lawn than you do losing weight or getting six pack abs with a "miracle formula" or gadget...

With millions of sick people across the USA, health care costs skyrocketing, insurance premiums raging, and new diseases popping up everywhere it is easy to forget all about basic nutrition and opt for drugs.

The surge in doctors fees, hospital costs, and weird disease stats makes it very easy to take the easy way out and opt for the "under the counter and over the counter" drug cocktail for symptomatic relief... especially since "a quick fix cure" is usually just a phone call away.

But there is a better way...

There is a long loss "work-a-round" that can help you remarkably cure and prevent deadly diseases. Plus it can keep you healthy, fit and full of energy year round. Yes, this simple work-a-round can reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, lower your cholesterol, help you lose belly fat fast, put you in a better mood, improve your skin, increase energy levels, and much much more.

As an added bonus, there are no adverse side effects and you can stock up without having to pay an annoying deductible! Even better news, various forms of this work-a-round exist all around you!

When I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease 10 years ago I was faced with some very difficult decisions. I could either take pills for the rest of my life and feel like crap every day, or make some serious diet and lifestyle changes and fight back.

I decided to fight back.

Instead of taking the dangerous sulfa drugs and steroids I decided to detoxify my body and use the tools that were put here on earth for our use (herbs, plants, vegetables, and fruits) to get healthy again.

Today I'm going to share a few of the natural supplements that I used back then to restore my health, which also happen to be the most powerful supplements on the planet. You won't find these in the muscle mags, and most supplement companies refuse to sell them, but I used them back then and I still use these to this day to keep my body healthy and strong!

Note: you do not need to have a stomach problem or be sick to use these supplements. These natural supplements are beneficial to everyone and can help you get healthier and stay that way forever!

Acidophilus - Healthy colon flora should consist of roughly 85% lactobacilli and 15% coliform bacteria. Sadly, the average colon has those numbers flipped around and this can lead to a host of unpleasant symptoms including: GI toxicity, nutrient malabsorption, indigestion, gas, bloating, and more. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a "friendly" bacteria that can help you fight back against the "bad" bacteria by helping to restore the healthy balance of intestinal flora. It also aids digestion, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and can help you absorb more nutrients. Take it on an empty stomach before breakfast and about an hour before each meal.

Alfalfa - As one of the purest and most mineral rich foods on the planet, alfalfa is one of my top superfoods. Because of the fact it is so deep rooted (its roots can grow up to 130 feet deep) it picks up a ton of trace elements like phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, silicon, calcium, iron, and potassium, plus a boatload of other helpful vitamins and minerals, as well as digestive enzymes, and amino acids. Are you kidding me? Add Alfalfa to your rotation asap.

Aloe Vera - I like to take this as a juice because it cleanses the digestive tract and improves digestion. Efficient digestion is important for nutrient absorption, which as you know is very important when training. Aloe vera also helps heal gastro intestinal disorders such as constipation, ulcers, colitis, and various conditions of the colon. Plus it fights infections, holds varicose veins in check, and fights arthritis.

Here's a powerful toxin removing technique you can try using aloe vera juice: combine psyllium husk with aloe vera juice. It cleans out the pockets and folds of the colon and promotes normal function and balance. Aloe vera juice definitely lives up to the hype, plus some. Note: when drinking aloe vera juice, opt for brands that are 98 or 99 percent pure.

Barley Grass - This amazing supplement is a very good anti-inflammatory, plus it is chock full of all the essential amino acids. It is also high in iron, vitamin C, vitamin B12, calcium, flavonoids, chlorophyll, as well as helpful enzymes and minerals. I used barley grass quite extensively when I was sick with great results as it helps heal colon, stomach, and duodenal disorders. But don't skip out on barley grass just because you don't have a stomach problem! It has a ton of awesome benefits.

Chlorella - Chlorella is an edible alga which is very high in vitamin B12 (it contains all of the B vitamins), but also contains vitamins C & E, rare trace minerals, protein, and amino acids. If you choose not to eat meat, you can try supplementing with chlorella because it is essentially a complete food.

Chlorophyll - Chlorophyll is essentially the green pigment in leaves that absorbs sunlight and converts it into energy. This is what I like to call the "lifeblood" of plants. I like to drink chlorophyll rich juices made from raw foods because of their cleansing effect of the lymph, blood, and intracellular fluid. Chlorophyll will help your body digest food better, absorb nutrients more efficiently, and boost your energy levels.

Coenzyme Q10 - Studies have shown that over 75% of folks over the age of 50 are deficient in coenzyme Q10. A deficiency can result in poor blood circulation which can result in heart disease.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) - Contrary to popular myth, the body does need fat. It just needs the right KIND of fat. If you only take one supplement, make it Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are probably the most underrated, yet most powerful fat loss and health boosting supplement in the world. These "miracle" fats can increase metabolic rate, reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of developing cancer and heart disease, reduce stress, protect from bone loss, improve mood, reduce inflammation and pain in joints, and much more.

It is very important to supplement with EFAs because they are necessary for health and they cannot be made by the human body. A few of my favorite EFAs are flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, fish oils, primrose oil, and grape seed oil.

Fiber - Because of the processing and refining of most of our food these days, the average American diet is desperately deficient in fiber. Foods such as whole grains, beans, fresh raw veggies, nuts, seeds, fresh fruit, and lentils are very high in fiber and should be eaten on a daily basis.

Due to the host of positive benefits of a high fiber diet (fiber helps prevent obesity, stabilizes blood sugar levels, prevents constipation, helps prevent colon cancer, lowers blood cholesterol levels, etc), I recommend everyone take a fiber supplement because it can be close to impossible to get enough fiber from a normal diet these days.

Be sure to stay within the 20-30 grams daily range as an overdose of fiber can decrease the absorption of important nutrients and give you painful gas, cramps, and bloating.

Note: Fiber can decrease the effectiveness and strength of medications and supplements when taken at the same time. Note: Don't use one of the crappy fiber supplements that contains any ingredient other than 100% psyllium husk. It is pointless to take a "healthy supplement" that is loaded with garbage ingredients like artificial sweeteners and additives.

Garlic - Garlic has been one of the top supplements in the world for over 2000 years. It is a shame more people don't harness the power of it! As a potent immune system booster and natural antibiotic, garlic can also reduce your risk of heart attack, fight cancer, destroy various viruses, as well has a host of other benefits. It is said that the allicin in garlic (the antibacterial property) has an effect equal to 1% of penicillin! You can use fresh cloves or use my personal favorite, the Kyolic supplement made by Wakunaga.

Kelp - Kelp is a type of seaweed and I like to use it as a salt substitute sometimes, not only because I like the taste, but because it is so rich in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. I highly recommend using kelp, especially if you have thyroid problems

Kombucha Tea - This miracle tea is believed to have the power to reverse the aging process. I cannot personally vouch for this because I've got that young gene thing going on so you may have to ask me in 10 or 20 years lol. I love kombucha tea because it contains a host of health boosting substances, gives me a nice energy boost, and is a natural detoxifier.

Spirulina - If you want to look up superfood, look no further than spirulina. The concentrations of nutrients in spirulina are more than any plant, grain, or herb in the world. I'm talking, vitamin B12, chlorophyll, gamma-linolenic acid, iron, essential amino acids, and more! The high protein content in spirulina can also help stabilize blood sugar levels between meals and I like to use it in my raw juices.

Wheatgrass - Wheatgrass is real fuel from whole food that helps metabolic functions and it is chock full of minerals and enzymes. It contains protein, provitamin A, prostaglandins, trace elements, and chlorophyll. The nutritional value of this powerful supplement is off the charts!

Some experts have even said that one pound of wheatgrass is equal to about 25 pounds of the best vegetables! If there is a "miracle" supplement out there, I would have to say it is this one. I like to put wheatgrass in my raw juices or just hit up my local health food store or Whole Foods Market for a wheat grass shot!

Whey Protein - Ahhh yes I saved the best for last! Good ole whey protein...Maaaa the protein! OK you may not know that joke but for those who do, I hope you got a good L-O-L out of it.

You'll probably already know that whey protein helps build lean muscle, but I bet you didn't know that whey protein can also enhance immune function, protect against free radical damage, and in some studies it has appeared to inhibit the increase of cancer cells! When you train hard in the gym, you need to eat more protein, and if you don't get the amount you need from food, you won't make the progress you want.

Whey protein powder is very cost effective, it is convenient, and it is perfect for pre and post workout supplementation. Of course nothing can replace real food, but a whey protein supplement is very important! My brand's of choice are Optimum Nutrition and Prograde.

Jamin Thompson is an internationally recognized fat loss expert, fitness model, motivational speaker, and sports performance expert. He is the author of the best selling six pack abs & nutrition e-book, The 6 Pack Secret: Fat Burning Secrets of The World's Top Fitness Models

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Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Healing Power of Juices

When I look at some Web sites dealing with health, I'm amazed at how little is said about the nourishment and healing effects of freshly-made juices.

As a teen-ager I was able to avoid acne and other problems because I made carrot juice and other vegetable juices on my family's juicer. At first we had a nice Oster centrifugal juicer; later we got a Champion, which looks like a meat grinder, thoroughly masticates (chews) the vegetables, produces a rich juice, and expels the pulp. My grandmother and later my mother lived into their mid-90s, due no doubt in part to their having had rejuvenating vegetable juices.

Juicers from a century ago were hand-cranked devices. Later electric designs such as our old Oster used a toothed disk to grind the food and a spinning drum that used centrifugal force to squeeze the juice out of the pulp. The drum had holes like a colander and was lined with a perforated plastic screen. The juicer had to be stopped every so often so the damp pulp buildup could be removed.

More recent centrifugal designs have a cone-shaped filter in place of the drum so that the juice is quickly forced out of the pulp and the pulp automatically collected into a receptacle on the back of the juicer.

The Champion juicer produces juice with a lot of body. As some people may not like that, an extra fine-mesh strainer is provided to hang over the collection bowl so the fine pulp can be removed from the juice. I prefer not to use it, since I believe the fine pulp is beneficial to the digestive tract.

What kind of juice you make is up to you. There are countless mixtures possible. Jay Kordich describes the health properties of various vegetables and combinations of vegetables in his Juiceman® Audio Cassette and CD series. Probably the most nourishing, revitalizing juices come from green leafy vegetables. I don't believe the centrifugal juicers handle leafy vegetables as well as the masticating juicers, so I favor my Champion.

One could write at length about the special nutritional properties of different vegetables and fruits; numerous books and audio courses are on the market by such noted authors as Jay Kordich, John B. Lust, Gayelord Hauser, Natalie Savona, Sarah Owen, and many others I could scarcely begin to name. A simple Web search would turn up a wealth of information - so much that one would be stunned and not know where best to look. So, we'll cover some general guidelines to help out.

First, why are juices per se so valuable? Well, digestion begins in the mouth with chewing - breaking up whole food into small particles with a lot of surface area, mixing with saliva to introduce enzymes. Further breakdown with more digestive juices is done in the stomach and intestines. Eventually the nutrients in the food are carried to the body's cells where they are needed. This much we know from grammar school science.

But with vegetable or fruit juice we get many of the nutrients in a medium that goes through the digestive tract quickly and reaches the body's cells in minutes! The healing, renewing effects of these juices can be quickly experienced, especially if the juices are freshly made. It's not unusual to drink a glass of, say, carrot juice, and within several minutes feel rested, lighter, more lucid, and lively. The effect is more dramatic if one starts out tired, drained, full of aches and pains, and listless; the feeling of regeneration, of renewal from drinking the juice, is wonderful by contrast. The benefit of frequent use of juices is cumulative, as over time the nutrients rebuild the tissues of the body.

Corollary: toward the end of her life my mother was in an assisted living facility. She was listless, in a daze, and would pick at her food - that didn't help her health at all. I'd bring her juice made from carrots, celery, apple, and sometimes green bell pepper. She'd drink it eagerly, and in minutes was more lucid and lively, and we could actually have an intelligent conversation. She was very old, and it hurt to lose her a little each day. The juice helped bring her back mentally and we got to hold onto her a while longer.

Among the guidelines: generally it's best not to mix fruits with vegetables, or fruit juices with vegetable juices. There are exceptions, but fruits and vegetables are different classes of foods best kept separate. Apple is one exception to the rule of not mixing fruit with vegetable. My mother claimed there's something in apple that releases more of the nutrients in carrot. A friend suggested it might be the acid in apples that does it.

It's more work to chew and digest vegetables than to chew and digest fruits, and the soft fiber from fruits harbors valuable nutrients, so if we had to choose, it would be better to juice the vegetables and eat the fruits.

Fruits, and fruit juices, are among the best foods for us (I sometimes call them "Nature's candy"), but are best consumed on an empty stomach. If a fruit is consumed after a heavy food, digestion of the fruit is delayed and it will ferment or putrefy in the stomach, making it less useful.

Another consideration is that most foods of plant origin are most nourishing when not cooked. Cooking kills enzymes and denatures complex molecules, making their components useless for cell repair.

There are good juices available at stores, but they're never as invigorating and therapeutic as freshly-made juice, and may contain additives to increase shelf life that, though not toxic, don't really help the body either. If you're pressed for time, get the store-bought juice, but make the time occasionally to get freshly-made at home. It may aid assimilation also if a little water is mixed with fruit juice.

The juices of green leafy vegetables contain concentrated nutrients, but the juice tastes bitter or otherwise unpleasantly strong. This can be masked if the juices are mixed with other pleasanter juices. That's why some people recommend mixing the juices of wheat grass, spinach, or parsley with carrot and other milder-tasting, sweet juices. The body absorbs most easily that which it likes.

Many vegetables have a constellation of benefits. Just be careful in some cases. Green, red, and yellow bell peppers contain iron, and silicon which is good for the skin, and a few other varieties of peppers have their value. I found these exotic, funny-looking green peppers (okay, you know where this is going, but continue reading anyway), and decided they would make a nice juice. I juiced them along with carrots, celery, and one or two other things, and when I was finished, I took a big chug-a-lug...

... like drinking fire.

One of my friends was ribbing me from then on about getting funny-looking green peppers.

Over time stored vegetables tend to soften from loss of moisture; leafy vegetables can wilt and turn limp. They can be revived by soaking them in ice water. I prefer to put leafy vegetables in a pot, fill it with water, and put the pot in the refrigerator overnight. The vegetables come out beautifully firm, crisp, and juicy, perfect for salads or for juicing.

Here's a recipe for a rejuvenation formula. I got it from a juicer infomercial I watched briefly. Sorry, I don't recall who produced the infomercial; it might have been Jay Kordich. Perhaps some reader will be able to give credit where credit is due.

Mix juices of


Exact proportions of juices are not given, but may not matter much. To put my own spin on this, here's how I prepare the formula:

I use the whole beet plant, not just the root. I soak the beet root, stems, and leaves in ice water overnight, and do the same with the parsley. One drawback to using a Champion juicer is that vegetables such as celery or the stems of beets contain long stringy fibers that get tangled on the blades and impede the machine; if these stems are cut across into little pieces, the fibers are short, no longer stringy, and don't clog the machine. Parsley, though, is such a tangled mess of branches that it's just not very practical to try cutting it up, so when juicing I save the parsley for last. Carrots are no problem, and beet roots can be cut to fit the feeder throat. Apples can be cut and juiced, but I'm lazy enough to just add bottled apple juice to the mixture. I'm also stingy enough to pick up the discarded vegetable pulp and run it through the juicer a second time; the pulp then comes out warm and damp instead of juicy.

One extra step: parsley forms a light, finely-ground pulp that floats on top of the juice and is muddy, clumpy, and (to me) unpleasant. I pour all the juice into a blender and turn it on at low speed to chop up the stuff and give the juice an even texture.

Another consideration: beets and beet juice are loaded with carotene and stain everything they touch. Ironically, this same vegetable cleans and detoxifies the liver. Yet there's so much carotene that the day after we drink the juice, the stool has a purplish glow. The carotene contains Vitamin A, but it's more than the body can handle, so the body takes what it can and eliminates the rest. I've found a variety of beet that isn't so purple; cut it open and it's a combination of white and red, rather like a radish. It tastes like regular beets, but doesn't stain nearly as much. If you're fortunate enough to find this kind, do buy it, and use it in a variant of this juice mixture. Regardless of the type of beet, the juice is pleasant-tasting; it's been described as like nectar. And it renews and rejuvenates the body. It's a lot of work to prepare (the way I do it, anyway), but once in a while it's a great elixir to have.

In closing, we'll address a question nobody ever asks in juice-related articles: what do we do about the leftover pulp? Well, my mother would sometimes add a little to soup to give it body. I have a sister who uses vegetable pulp as mulch to fertilize her garden. But me? I'm a bum. I just flush it down the toilet. It breaks up in the water, doesn't clog the wastewater pipes, and is biodegradable.

Here's a toast of raw vegetable juice for long life. Pour votre santé!

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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Juicing Tips for Better Health

If better health is at the forefront of your mind, then you may want to consider juicing as an addition to your daily mealtime regimen. Juicing can be a way to get more fruits and vegetables into your body without having to spend time cooking them in the kitchen.

People become juicers for many reasons. Some like to use a juicing fast to cleanse their system and launch a better health diet. Others use juicing as a way to shed pounds. Many people just use juicers to start implementing better foods into their diets.

Cooking your foods often destroys many of the nutrients and enzymes found in your food that improves your health. By using a juicing machine, you keep all of those healthful benefits intact.

Juicing even helps you maintain the great tasting qualities of your fruits and vegetables, without you having to add sugars or fattening additions to the food to make it edible to your tastebuds.

The process also saves you money, because buying pre-made juice is often very expensive. And you can make a meal off of a juice mixture!

Picking the Right Juicer

Before you can start juicing, you have to have a machine to do the work for you. There are manual, cheap plastic versions you can buy, but it's highly recommended that you invest a little more into your options, because those will take you forever to get a small trickle of juice into your cup.

Juicers typically come in three main versions. There are manual juicers, like the one I described above that require a lot of work and arm strength in some cases, not to mention ample amount of time to extract the juice from your fruits and vegetables.

Some of the manual juicers are very lightweight, so you can't put too much pressure on them. This means you won't get to create larger batches of juice - you'll have to stick to small quantities.

Instead of a manual juicer, you can consider buying a masticating or centrifugal juicer. Masticating juicers actually chew up the pulp, making it easier to extract the juice from the fruit or vegetables.

These are single gear juicers, and they work slowly. Some people enjoy the slow juice creation because whenever speed is involved, it means heat is typically a factor - and heat destroys some of the nutrients found in the fruits and vegetables.

The masticating juicers are quieter than the centrifugal juicers, due to their low speed, but many people prefer the centrifugal juicer to the other options. These juicers shred the fruits or vegetables and then spin and strain it, so you get more juice and less pulp.

These are high-speed machines, so the noise level might be a bit higher. However, the speed is faster, so the process is complete in less time, making noise less of an issue. If you get one of these machines, you'll remove the pulp periodically if you're making large batches of juice to store for future consumption.

Each type of juicer will have different results when it comes to the volume of juice it can put out. On average, juicers can turn one pound of fruits or vegetables into a standard, 8-ounce cup of juice, but this depends on the product you pick and the power of the juicer, too.

Choosing Perfect Juicing Foods

If you want to feel better and take better care of your body, then your juicing foods should be tailored toward that goal, because some foods are better for you (even in juice form) than others are.

You'll need to look at your own health requirements and decide which recipes to use for your juicing. For instance, you might be diabetic and need to lower your intake of sugar. Or you might be anemic and need a raise in your iron levels.

For basic health, always think green. Look for foods that are in the vegetable family over the fruit family because you'll get more health benefits for your body. Fruit has a lot of nature's own blend of sugar and it can pack a health punch by raising your glucose rapidly.

But keep in mind that just because a food is a vegetable, that doesn't mean that it doesn't have some sugar in it and some vegetables do contain more sugar despite the fact that they're good for you.

Even though they contain beta-carotene that helps lower cancer risks, carrots are an example of vegetables that have a higher sugar count than other vegetables, such as cucumbers.

While green vegetables are very good for you, their juice can be difficult to swallow if you're new to juicing. You're going to want good recipes for these and then start slowly introducing them to your juicing routine.

You might have read that the minute you make any juice at home, you should go ahead and drink it. The reason behind this advice is because when fruits and vegetables are cut, they start to lose some of the nutritional punch that they pack.

Since the whole purpose behind juicing is a healthier way of eating for your body, you want to take full advantage of everything that these foods offer you, so enjoy them right after you finish juicing them whenever possible.

Because juicing requires time (and because that's not a commodity you might have a lot of), you want to take steps to eliminate any part of the process that's a time drain. Waiting until the last minute to gather your foods, get it sliced and diced and then juice it can take more time than you want it to take.

If you have to get up early and get your day going, the last thing you want to do is stand sleepy eyed in the kitchen chopping up food. To cut out this step, get everything ready before you need it. Scrub any residue from the soil from your vegetables, wash your fruit and get out the cutting board. Dice the foods up and it'll be handy when you're ready to go.

Remember that if you're planning to use certain fruits like apples, they might turn brown if they're cut and you don't use them the minute you cut them up. They're still okay to use, they're just not as visually appealing.

Using your juicer for homemade juice is a nice treat, but unlike the less healthy store bought kind, you might end up with pulp in your glass. That's not a problem unless you absolutely can't stand to have pulp in your juice.

Pulp is actually good for you, but if you don't like it, you don't have to put up with having it in your glass. You can use a mesh strainer - but if your juicer has made the pulp fine, some of it's still going to get through.

To make sure that the pulp is cut completely out, some people take an extra step of using a cloth material just for straining that catches every little bit of the pulp. This might be a good idea if you have kids who are picky about pulp and complain if the texture isn't just right. And the softer your choice in fruits and vegetables, the thicker the juice will be.

Fruits make great tasting juice and you can experiment on your own to create a blend of fruit juices to delight your tastebuds. Plus, many fruits offer additional health benefits by giving you antioxidants.

Look for fruits that are berries like strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. Also use cherries, apples and plums to give your body that additional health boost.

Finding Delicious Juicing Recipes

Everything that grows doesn't belong in a juicer. It might seem like a good idea at the time, but will end up tasting horrid. Juicing isn't the time to unleash your inner food artist if you aren't familiar with what foods will taste good together.

You can buy a juicer recipe book (highly recommended) but you can also use the trial and error method. You'll know what tastes good and which mixtures are mistakes. But since mistakes can be costly, use the following tips to create delicious tasting concoctions.

If you don't like apples, then juicing isn't suddenly the time to decide that you'll like them in a juice. You want to start out by sticking with what you already know that you like. You can broaden your juicing horizons later.

And if you know you want the health benefits of apples, then you might try working it into a recipe where another fruit or vegetable taste overpowers it. So you still get the health rewards, without having to drink what tastes like straight apple juice.

If you're going to make vegetable juices, leave off the more potent tasting ones until you're prepared for the stronger flavor. Remember that you can mix your vegetables in the juicer with ice cubes, water and a small slice of fruit to give it a better taste.

We all have a tendency to be creatures of habit. We do this even when we're trying to eat healthier - we'll just keep on choosing the same healthy foods we've always eaten, but that can keep you locked on a certain food source and you'll miss the wonder of trying new combinations if you juice with the same foods you've always used.

Don't be afraid to make subtle changes. Many recipes advocate sticking with straight vegetable juice or straight fruit juice, but if you do that, you'll miss out on some tasty concoctions.

Adding a little bit of water can help lessen the strength and thickness of fruits that are too thick as a juice for you to enjoy swallowing. If you do add water, measure it carefully so that you don't overdo it.

Whatever recipe you use, keep in mind that there is what's known as a "half rule." For every pound of raw vegetables that you use, you're only going to get about half of that in juice value.

Storing Your Juice Concoctions

For the best nutrients and the best taste, use whatever you create in the juicer right away. But considering how busy people are, quick consumption is not always an ideal solution. So if you can't always drink the juice immediately, you should know a few tips on how to keep the liquid in a container that locks in freshness and as many health benefits as possible.

Foods change because of the process known as oxidizing. When enzymes in foods mix with oxygen, they turn brown. You can alter this process by storing the foods you've cut or chopped in water. This cuts off the full access to oxygen supply the foods would get out of the water.

Once the juice is made, keep it as fresh as possible by putting it into a container that you can't see light through. This will prevent the juice from acquiring any exposure damage that it would get in a clear container.

For the best possible storage for your juice, keep it in something made of glass. One of the handiest solutions is to use brown tinted canning jars. Glass is much better than plastic for storing juices. If you need to, use tin foil or another dark paper to wrap the glass container in to keep out light.

Containers that let air in are bad news for storing juices so choose containers that keep the air out.

You can keep juices with a higher acidic level longer than juices with a lower acid count, but you shouldn't go longer than a day and not use up the juice that you've made.

Cleaning and Caring for Your Juicer

Like any kitchen appliance, taking proper care of your juicer will help ensure that your machine creates great tasting juices and lasts a long time. The best juicers can be expensive, and you want to lengthen the longevity of your appliance.

Always read the instruction manual if this is the first time you've cleaned your juicer, since there's a lot of variety among the different brands and models. Some require more work than others.

For optimal performance, you want to clean your juicer each time that you use it. This isn't the kind of appliance you can get lazy with, because juice in general is a sticky mess if left out to harden.

The first step is to get all of the pulp out. If your juicer has a built in pulp container, you can clean that out, but you want to make sure that you check for pulp that may have escaped the container.

Take apart the removable parts and run them under water to rinse them free of any food debris. You can put the dishwasher safe pieces in the top of the dishwasher if you don't want to hand wash them, but if you do, double check after the dishwasher cycle is complete to make sure it cleaned all of the crevices.

Gently wipe down any electric or motor parts to get rid of any residue or splash, but don't expose these by submerging them in water.

Clean the blades with a soft brush to make sure that nothing is compromising the blades, but take caution when doing this step because it can be easy to cut your fingers if you're not careful. Don't put the pieces of this appliance together if any of them are wet or damp. Once you've done all these steps, your juicer is ready to use again!

For more information about this and related subjects go to

S. Brooks is a specialized researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues

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Monday, January 9, 2017

Superfood Recipes - 2 Healthy and Delicious Recipes

Many types of food available at grocery and health food stores today can be called "superfoods." Typical superfoods include certain types of greens (e.g., spirulina, algae, and chlorella), herbs, anti-oxidants, sea vegetables, essential fatty acids, probiotics, energy enhancements and enzymes can be correctly called superfoods. Some common superfoods that you have probably heard of include blue-green algae, spirulina, blueberries, fish oils, and probiotics (i.e., beneficial bacteria for your digestive system).

It is important to recognize that superfoods are indeed among the richest sources of nutrients for your body. Still, it is also important to constantly come up with new and delicious ways to prepare your superfoods so that they continue to delight not your body, but also your taste buds. That is why I am always on the lookout to come up with new superfood recipes that can be made using the simplest, healthiest superfood ingredients. All of the ingredients in the following two recipes can be easily found in most grocery stores, health food stores, or online health stores.

Below are two great recipes made with spirulina-based powder. The first recipe is one that you can enjoy anytime of the day or night, either as a snack or as an accent for a healthy meal. The second recipe is a sumptuous-yet-healthy dessert that would serve as a delicious side for any dinner.

Recipe #1: Billy's Nuggets

Ingredients: Raw chocolate nibs, hemp seeds, cold-pressed coconut oil, agave nectar, spirulina-based superfood powder, herb-pharm peppermint extract. Equipment needed: mixing bowl, mixing spoon.

Mix these dry ingredients:

- 2 cups chocolate nibs

- 2 cups hemp seeds

- 2 tablespoons spirulina-based superfood powder


- 3/4 cup agave nectar

- Add 3/4 cup coconut oil

- Add 20 drops herb-pharm peppermint extract

Mix well and refrigerate for at least one hour. Then, scoop mixture with spoon and shape with fingers into one-inch balls. Roll in bowl of hemp seeds (hint: add coconut oil to fingers to reduce sticking). Refrigerate nuggets for at least one hour more. Serve and enjoy!

Recipe #2: Billy's Raw Chocolate Mousse

Ingredients: Raw chocolate nibs, hemp seeds, agave nectar, spirulina-based superfood powder, water. Equipment Needed: Vita-prep (or equivalent) blender

Blend 8 ounces of raw cacao nibs in blender until the mixture turns to a powder and starts to become gummy in texture, then add 2 cups warm water and blend for one minute.

Then add:

- 3/4 cup agave nectar

- 2 cups hemp seeds

- 1 tablespoon spirulina-based superfood powder to catalyze the effects of chocolate

Add more water as needed to maintain blending and blend again for one minute more. Pour into a glass bowl and place in refrigerator to set for two hours. Serve and enjoy!!! note: if you are using a conventional blender, use approximately half the amount of ingredients indicated above and blend at least twice as long

Incorporating superfoods into your meals and snacks is a great way to feel better and more energized throughout the entire day. Try both of these delicious recipes to prepare for yourself, or plan a special dinner for a friend or loved one. You will be giving everybody present the gift of wonderful nutrition that tastes great.

Billy's Greens offers some of the best-tasting, healthiest superfood products anywhere, with ingredients sourced from the most nutrient-rich locations around the world. You can order online at: []

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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Are Superfoods Really Super?

SuperFoods: What's in a Name

Lately, you've probably been hearing a lot about "superfoods". A quick Google search of the term will lead you to a range of websites and topics. You can learn about Dr. Perricone's Superfoods from You'll be enticed by advertisements to buy chlorella, a blue-green algae referred to as "Nature's Perfect Superfood". You'll find information on superfoods from reputable and not-so-reputable sources.

Folks such as WebMD and the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), which are reputable, are tapping into the superfoods craze. They offer information on "'Superfoods' Everyone Needs" and "10 Superfoods for Better Health!" On the not-so-reputable side are the multiple (and questionable) potions and elixirs making unrealistic promises. They offer to deliver the benefits of superfoods quickly and easily...without actually having to eat food.

But what is this superfoods craze all about? And what can you take away from all of the superfoods hype?

From Superfoods to Superdiet

The idea of "superfoods" often begins with interest in certain foods that only are found in a few specific cultures or regions of the world. Soy foods are an example of one of the first so-called "superfoods". Traditional soy foods, such as tofu, tempeh, and miso, originally were consumed in far east Asian countries, such as Japan and Korea. In these areas, soy has been eaten for thousands of years.

These regions and countries also happen to enjoy some of the lowest levels of chronic disease in the world. Rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and more are a fraction of what they are in the United States and other western countries.

Soy foods are one obvious dietary difference between Asia and many western countries. This led people to suspect that soy foods were "special" or "super" in their ability to prevent disease. This might seem like a logical conclusion. Many Asian cultures consume soy foods. Many Asian cultures enjoy very low disease rates. Therefore, soy foods must prevent disease.

Traditional Asian soy foods can be part of a healthy diet. It is true that these foods contain an abundance of phytonutrients (plant nutrients) too. And medical research does support the disease-preventive properties of whole soy foods.

However, it is not true that soy and soy alone is responsible for the superior health and longevity found in several Asian countries. There are so many differences, dietary and otherwise, between Asian and western cultures. To chalk up low disease rates to soy alone would be a mistake.

Asians tend to be thinner. They often get more exercise, more sleep, and less fat in the diet than Americans. They may have better social and extended family networks and less stress in their lives. They eat less processed food and more vegetables. They consume plants that are never or rarely eaten in western cultures, such as seaweed. All of these things (and more) likely contribute to the low disease rates seen in many parts of Asia.

All of this points to something obvious that we often forget in our excitement over superfoods: no one food is the answer to good health. The truth is that many other dietary factors contribute to good health. The bottom line is that there really are no such things as superfoods. Instead, we should be trying to figure out what makes up a superdiet.

Putting the "Super" in Your Diet

The example of soy as a superfood is one of many. The foods that top the "superfoods" lists you may have seen likely have similar stories. From acai (ah-sigh-ee) and goji berries to maca root and green tea, everyone has an example of their favorite superfood. They can point to the food, and the superior health enjoyed by the culture that consumes it. This is given as proof that this food is "super" or truly special.

However, if you dig a little deeper, you'll see that the entire diet of these cultures is key to the positive health benefits observed. Olive oil, consumed as part of the Mediterranean diet, often is touted as a path to good health. But beyond olive oil you'll find fish, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruit, moderate amounts of red wine, lower body weights, less red meat, and other factors that are part of the good health picture.

To sum it all up, we need to focus on eating a super diet, rather than the superfood of the moment. What does a super diet look like? Think plants. Above all else, science supports that a plant-based diet is the key to good health and lower rates of disease. Plant-based doesn't have to mean vegetarian, although that's fine if you prefer it. Plant-based simply means that the bulk of your calories come from unrefined and minimally processed, whole foods.

Planning Your Plate

If you've read any of my previous writings on diet and health, what comes next will sound familiar. The best way to use nutrition to lower your own risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease, is to start with your plate.

In your mind, divide a typical round plate into four pie-shaped wedges. Three of those four wedges should be filled with vegetables (the biggest portions), fruit (a bit less than the veggies), and whole grains (no more than one serving per meal or snack). The last wedge should be devoted to lean protein, such as beans, fish, chicken, or lean beef.

In addition to these steps, you'll want to focus on variety. Again, remember that no one food is "super enough" to provide the complete mix of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients necessary for good health. Instead, you want to tap into the healing power of as many whole plant foods as you can.

Eat green, yellow, red, purple, blue, and orange foods. Try kale, chard, and kiwi (green); pineapples, bananas, and corn (yellow); apples, strawberries, raspberries, red beans, beets, and tomatoes (red); plums, blackberries, blueberries, raisins, and eggplant (purple); and carrots, oranges, sweet potatoes, and melon (orange). These are just a few of the dozens of brightly colored foods that you'll need if you want to eat a super diet.

Suzanne Dixon, MPH, MS, RD, is an internationally recognized expert in nutrition, chronic disease, cancer, health and wellness as well as the Executive Editor of Nutrition Intelligence Report, a free natural health and nutrition newsletter. For more information or to sign up for a free subscription, visit

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